Who knew three letters could be so much work.
Those that know me, know I don't like running at all. There are runners that talk about the feeling of a "Runner's High." I generally just dismiss those thoughts and assume they're crazy for wanting to push the body, mile after mile.
I said I was going to go for a run today. I told my friends & told myself. My goal was 5 miles (just a random number), but a distance I had never run all at one time. I ended up going 3.24 miles. Admittedly, I was exhausted, but I was also caught in a heavy downpour and I didn't feel like testing out the warranty on my phone that I had with me.
Instead of going to a local path, I decided to test out terrain near my apartment. I learned a lot...
I found myself running around the outskirts of the CherryVale Mall. This is where temptation began to come in. I'm really not much of a shopper, so anything at the mall wasn't the issue. I'm trying to get back into shape. Experts/normal people say working the morning shift messes with your fat cells/metabolism etc.
I've gained probably 20 pounds since moving to mornings at the end of January. TV is all about the way you look and yes the camera adds 10 pounds. I've started to be more mindful of what I'm eating, and I'm trying to add more and more physical activity.
Weight is something a lot of people struggle with, but it doesn't have to be what dictates how we feel about ourselves.
As I got into mile number 2, one of my favorite restaurants, a staple of my childhood...Taco Bell.
There were more to follow...DQ Grill & Chill, Sonic, Burger King and Arby's. It's amazing how easy it is to get a meal that would be incredibly rewarding, yet completely unhealthy. I WILL eat at some of these places and easily will skip out on healthy alternatives, but I think that's part of keeping my sanity going forward.
In running by Magic Waters, perhaps that can be motivation as well to get in shape for next summer. It's a process, but at least I've begun.
Finally, something that clicked the most in my quest to eliminate unhealthy temptation. A pop-up Halloween store. Indeed, I still need to get a costume. That's not really what its about though. I realized that for a few nights a year we can hide who we really are. (yes, I know...totally cliche but hear me out).
It could be the weight we struggle with, or maybe our self image and the way we think others perceive us. They're personal battles, but they're things that need to be embraced. You can't really tell people how to live their lives, merely can make recommendations or give advice when they ask you to.
Don't put on a mask. Be exactly who YOU want to be.
Who knew a short run could give me so much clarity?
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